An Efficient and Economical Method for Removal of Heavy Metals from Industrial Waste Waters
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As water is one of abundant source on earth but the only less than 3% of the water is potable, which can be fulfill the thirst of the living beings. Now a days it is very essential to save & to use the water as the drinking water available is very less hence new method & techniques are not developed for to reuse or recycle the water with its quality it is most serious concern if we fail to do so then as per as we concern the 3rd war which if happen it will be for the WATER only. So it is necessary to do treatment on the every other effluent to make its useful so that we can save water. Hence,
The release of heavy metals in to the environment by industrial activities is a serious concern because these heavy metals are extremely toxic and non biodegradable. These will accumulate in living organisms causing various diseases. The potential of metal concentration by certain types of dead biomass has been well established over the last decade. This phenomenon can probably make the most significant impact in using it for removing toxic heavy metals from industrial effluents. An interdisciplinary approach seems essential for bringing the phenomenon to a successful process application stage. In this present article the prediction of process performance and feasibility are discussed.
Key words: - toxic, bio mass, metal conc., effluents biosorption, adsorbent